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By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen Manufacturers of Wood Finishes Morrells Wood Finishes Ltd Stockport

UV-Curable Rollercoater Combi Topcoat

These lacquers are based on a combination of solvent free UV-curable acrylate resin systems and selected fillers. They have been specifically formulated to provide the benefits of a conventional basecoat coupled with the surface properties of a topcoat, for use as a coat-on-coat system. As with all Morlux products they offer supreme chemical and physical resistance properties in combination with a very flat and smooth surface finish.


  • Pack sizes available: 20L
  • Coverage: 80 - 200m² per litre
  • Typical Finish: 2 - 3 coats at 10 – 15 gm², 1 coat at 6 - 10 gm²

UV Curable Rollercoater Combi Topcoat

Product Codes

U6241/041 20% Sheen Morlux Combi Lacquer
U6441/041 40% Sheen Morlux Combi Lacquer


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