Q.Silver Ace is a ceramic premium abrasive with paper backing for tougher universal sanding. The ceramic grains give a boost, especially when sanding tougher substances. A strong resin bonding gives good adhesion to the backing.
This product is compatible with a range of Mirka® Equipment, such as the electric Mirka® DEROS 650 CV Orbital Sander and the pneumatic Mirka® PROS 650 CV Oribital Sander, with an alternative being the Sprayshop® Random Orbital Sander.
Other sanding discs can be found in the Sprayshop® Sanding Discs range.
M3261109980 | Mirka® Q.Silver Ace 15 Hole Disc P80 |
M3261109912 | Mirka® Q.Silver Ace 15 Hole Disc P120 |
M3261109910 | Mirka® Q.Silver Ace 15 Hole Disc P100 |