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By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen Manufacturers of Wood Finishes Morrells Wood Finishes Ltd Stockport

E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Stick

Produce the burn-in repairs you have always wanted using the E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Sticks. 

  • Excellent melt and flow characteristics
  • Exceptional clarity of transparents
  • Resists swelling and shrinking from topcoats
  • Clean, consistent colors, level easily with no cup-out 


Product Codes

KM316-3000 E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Stick 30 Assortment #1
KM315-1200 E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Stick 12 Pack Standard Assortment
KM316-6000 E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Stick 60 Pack Assortment 1/Ea Color
KM316-3001 E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Stick 30 Assortment #2
KM315-1210 E-Z Flow™ Burn-In Stick 12 Pack Maple/Walnut Assortment